To Schedule An Appointment, Please Call (631) 759 5519 or email [email protected]. To Discuss a Clinical Case, Please Contact Dr. Rimler at (917) 833 5069

Dr. Elana Rimler
Dix Hills & Melville, NY
Tel: (917)833-5069


Navigating Divorce: The Power of Therapy in Emotional and Financial Well-being


Divorce can be an emotionally challenging and stressful process, leaving individuals feeling overwhelmed, lost, and uncertain about the future. During such a difficult time, seeking professional help at Lotus Psychology Practice can prove invaluable. Beyond providing emotional support, therapy offers numerous benefits, including the opportunity to make sound decisions aligned with personal values, rather than acting impulsively out of anger or revenge. Moreover, therapy can help individuals avoid excessive legal fees, saving them valuable financial resources. In this blog post, we will explore how therapy during a divorce can positively impact both emotional well-being and financial stability.

Emotional Support and Guidance: Divorce can trigger a wide range of intense emotions, including sadness, anger, guilt, and fear. These emotions can cloud judgment and hinder rational decision-making. Engaging in therapy provides a safe and non-judgmental space to express and process these emotions. A skilled therapist can offer guidance, perspective, and coping strategies, helping individuals navigate the emotional rollercoaster of divorce more effectively. By working through these emotions, individuals can make decisions from a place of clarity and understanding, rather than being driven solely by reactive emotions.


Clarifying Personal Values and Goals: Divorce often forces individuals to reevaluate their values, priorities, and life goals. Therapy can help in this process of self-discovery and assist individuals in understanding what they truly want from their post-divorce life. By exploring personal values and goals with a therapist, individuals can make decisions that align with their authentic selves, rather than making choices based on external pressures or emotional turbulence. This clarity allows for more confident decision-making, leading to a greater sense of personal fulfillment in the long run.

Conflict Resolution and Communication Skills: One of the biggest challenges in any divorce is managing conflicts and communicating effectively with the ex-spouse. Therapy can equip individuals with essential conflict resolution skills and provide guidance on effective communication strategies. Through therapy, individuals can learn to express their needs and concerns in a healthy and assertive manner, reducing the likelihood of escalated conflicts. Improved communication not only helps during the divorce process but also lays the groundwork for healthier co-parenting relationships, if applicable, post-divorce.

Mitigating Legal Costs: Divorce proceedings often come with hefty attorney fees, especially when couples engage in prolonged legal battles. By investing in therapy, individuals can potentially reduce their dependence on attorneys for emotional support and guidance. Therapy provides a cost-effective alternative for addressing emotional and psychological needs, enabling individuals to focus their financial resources on essential legal matters. As therapy equips individuals with improved decision-making skills and emotional resilience, it may ultimately lead to more efficient divorce proceedings and lower legal costs.


Creating a Positive Post-Divorce Future: Divorce marks the end of one chapter but also opens the door to new beginnings. Therapy can assist individuals in healing emotional wounds and fostering a positive outlook for the future. Therapists can help individuals develop coping strategies, build resilience, and cultivate self-care practices to promote well-being during and after the divorce process. By focusing on personal growth and self-improvement, therapy can empower individuals to embrace their newfound freedom and create a fulfilling life beyond divorce.

Divorce is undoubtedly a challenging life event that can evoke a range of intense emotions and financial stress. Engaging in treatment at Lotus Psychology Practice during this time can be immensely beneficial, providing emotional support, facilitating sound decision-making, and mitigating legal costs. Therapy equips individuals with the necessary tools to navigate the divorce process with resilience and clarity, ensuring a smoother transition into a positive post-divorce future. By prioritizing their emotional well-being and seeking professional help, individuals can emerge from divorce stronger, more self-aware, and financially secure.



Benefits to corporations when they support working parents

Corporations can reap several benefits when they support employees in their personal lives, particularly by providing support to working parents. Let’s explore some of the advantages when employers support working parents.

Enhanced Employee Retention and Engagement: a. According to a study by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), organizations that offer family-friendly benefits, such as parental leave and flexible work arrangements, experience higher employee retention rates. Supporting working parents creates a positive work environment that fosters loyalty and commitment. (Source: SHRM, 2019) b. A research report by Ernst & Young (EY) highlights that companies with supportive work-life balance policies see increased employee engagement and productivity. Providing resources for working parents demonstrates a commitment to employee well-being and helps create a culture of work-life integration. (Source: EY, 2019)


Improved Recruitment and Talent Acquisition: a. The Deloitte Global Millennial Survey reveals that a significant percentage of millennials (a generation that makes up a substantial portion of the workforce) prioritize work-life balance and family-friendly policies when considering job opportunities. Companies that offer support to working parents are more likely to attract and retain top talent. (Source: Deloitte, 2020) b. A Glassdoor survey found that around 57% of job seekers consider benefits and perks as one of the top factors when evaluating job offers. Providing support to working parents can serve as a competitive advantage in attracting skilled professionals. (Source: Glassdoor, 2017

Increased Productivity and Engagement: a. The Harvard Business Review published an article citing a study by the American Psychological Association, which found that employees who feel supported in their personal lives are more engaged, less likely to experience burnout, and demonstrate higher levels of job satisfaction. This translates into increased productivity and improved performance at work. (Source: Harvard Business Review, 2019) b. Research conducted by Brigham Young University found that employees who have access to family-friendly policies and support report higher job satisfaction and greater commitment to their organizations. These factors contribute to higher levels of productivity and lower turnover rates. (Source: Brigham Young University, 2019)

Positive Employer Branding and Reputation: a. The Corporate Responsibility Magazine’s “100 Best Corporate Citizens” list includes companies that prioritize employee well-being, including support for working parents. Such recognition enhances a company’s reputation as a socially responsible employer, attracting both customers and potential employees. (Source: Corporate Responsibility Magazine, 2021) b. A study published in the Journal of Vocational Behavior showed that organizations that offer family-friendly policies and support have a more positive image and are perceived as being more caring and supportive by job seekers. This positive employer branding can contribute to long-term success in recruitment and retention efforts. (Source: Journal of Vocational Behavior, 2017)

By providing support to working parents, corporations can benefit from improved employee retention, increased productivity and engagement, enhanced recruitment outcomes, and a positive employer brand. These factors contribute to a more motivated and committed workforce, ultimately driving business success.

At Lotus Psychology Practice, we understand that families experience various challenges and transitions in life, and we are dedicated to providing comprehensive support to help them navigate these murky waters successfully. Our approach involves a range of services designed to address the unique needs of each family:

Individual Sessions: We offer one-on-one counseling sessions for parents, children, and adolescents. Through these sessions, our experienced psychologists and therapists can help identify and address specific issues or concerns affecting the family dynamics. We work collaboratively to develop coping strategies and implement positive changes within the family unit.I

Parent Training: Our parent training programs are designed to equip parents with effective skills and techniques to handle various parenting challenges. We offer both group sessions, where parents can connect and learn from each other, and individual formats, where personalized attention is provided to address specific concerns. Topics covered may include communication strategies, behavior management, setting boundaries, and fostering healthy relationships.

Corporate Workshops and Interventions: We extend our expertise beyond individual families and offer workshops and interventions to corporate settings. We recognize that work-life balance and family dynamics can significantly impact employee well-being and productivity. Our workshops provide practical insights and tools to help employees navigate family challenges, leading to a more engaged and focused workforce.

Referrals and Collaborations: At times, families may require additional support beyond our scope. We maintain a strong network of community resources, such as other mental health professionals, support groups, and community organizations. If necessary, we provide appropriate referrals to ensure families can access the support they need.

Holistic Approach: Our practice adopts a holistic approach to family support. We recognize that family challenges are often interconnected with individual mental health, work stress, and other life factors. Our interventions consider the broader context and strive to address all relevant aspects to achieve lasting positive outcomes.

Long-Term Support: Family challenges can be ongoing, and our commitment to supporting families extends beyond a few sessions. We work with families on a long-term basis, providing ongoing support, guidance, and resources as they navigate through various life stages.

Ultimately, at Lotus Psychology Practice, our aim is to empower families to develop resilience, strengthen their relationships, and thrive together despite life’s uncertainties. By providing a wide range of services and personalized support, we help families find their way through the murky waters and direct them towards the necessary supports for a healthier and happier family life, which in turn allows parents to thrive in the workplace as well.


Treating Tourette and Tic Disorders with CBIT: Unraveling the Comorbidities


Living with Tourette Syndrome or any tic disorder can present unique challenges for both the individuals affected and their families. As a parent who has embarked on a journey with a Tourette diagnosis for my son, I quickly discovered the scarcity of effective treatment options and the frustrating lack of accessible care providers. However, amidst the struggles, I also found hope in the form of Cognitive Behavioral Intervention for Tics (CBIT). In this blog, we will delve into the world of CBIT, explore the various comorbidities associated with Tourette and tic disorders, and shed light on my personal journey.

Understanding Tourette and Tic Disorders: Tourette Syndrome is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by the presence of multiple motor tics and at least one vocal tic, which persist for more than a year. Tic disorders, including chronic motor tic disorder and chronic vocal tic disorder, involve the presence of either motor or vocal tics. While tics themselves can vary in severity and frequency, they often lead to significant emotional, social, and educational challenges.

The Need for Effective Treatment Providers: One of the most disheartening realizations I faced after my son’s diagnosis was the limited availability of healthcare professionals experienced in treating Tourette and tic disorders. This shortage of specialists poses a significant barrier for individuals seeking proper care, prolonging their suffering and hindering their quality of life. It became clear that more awareness, resources, and training are urgently needed in the field.

Enter Cognitive Behavioral Intervention for Tics (CBIT): Amidst the scarcity of treatment options, CBIT has emerged as a gold standard therapeutic approach for managing tics and improving the lives of individuals with Tourette and tic disorders. CBIT is a non-medication intervention based on the principles of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). It focuses on increasing awareness of premonitory urges that precede tics and implementing behavioral strategies to manage and reduce tic symptoms.

CBIT in Action: CBIT comprises several key components, including tic awareness training, competing response training, and social support. Tic awareness training helps individuals recognize the sensation or feeling that typically precedes a tic, referred to as a premonitory urge. Competing response training involves learning and practicing alternative movements or actions that interfere with the occurrence of a tic. Social support, both from healthcare providers and peers, plays a crucial role in the success of CBIT.


The Impact of Comorbidities: Beyond tics, individuals with Tourette and tic disorders often experience comorbidities, which are additional medical or psychiatric conditions that coexist alongside the primary disorder. These comorbidities can include attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), anxiety disorders, depression, and learning disabilities. Understanding and addressing these comorbidities are essential for comprehensive treatment and improving overall well-being.

At Lotus Psychology Practice, I am here as your primary guide through CBIT as well as how to better manage Tourette/tics and their comorbid diagnoses. As a parent who embarked on a journey with a Tourette diagnosis for my son, I have witnessed firsthand the challenges faced by individuals with tic disorders and their families. The limited availability of treatment providers motivated me to explore alternative options, leading me to the promising world of CBIT. By promoting awareness, advocating for increased resources and training, and addressing comorbidities, we can work towards a brighter future for individuals with Tourette and tic disorders. Together, let us strive for a world where everyone affected by these conditions can access effective treatment and enjoy improved quality of life.

With deepest empathy in your resilience and empathy,


Elana Rimler, Psy.D.


Benefits to families when Returning to the workforce

Supporting parents’ return to the workforce after having a child can have significant psychological and financial benefits for both the parents and society as a whole. Let’s explore some of the key advantages, backed by statistics and citations:

  1. Enhanced Financial Stability: a. Research by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reveals that women who return to work after childbirth experience a smaller wage gap compared to those who do not. The wage gap for mothers who return to work is around 7% compared to 20% for those who do not return to work within a year. This indicates that returning to the workforce can help mitigate the negative impact of motherhood on long-term earning potential. (Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2019) b. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) notes that women’s participation in the labor market is crucial for economic growth. By enabling parents to return to work, countries can tap into a larger talent pool, which can lead to increased productivity and economic benefits. (Source: OECD, 2020)

  2. Improved Mental Well-being: a. A study published in the Journal of Family Psychology found that mothers who return to work after maternity leave experience fewer symptoms of depression compared to those who stay at home. Paid employment can provide a sense of purpose, social interaction, and personal fulfillment, contributing to improved mental health outcomes. (Source: Nomaguchi, K. M., & Milkie, M. A., 2003) b. The same study also reported that mothers who returned to work after childbirth reported higher levels of life satisfaction compared to those who did not return to work. Having a fulfilling career alongside parenthood can enhance overall life satisfaction and well-being. (Source: Nomaguchi, K. M., & Milkie, M. A., 2003)

  3. Reduced Reliance on Social Welfare: a. When parents return to work, they are less likely to rely on government assistance programs. Research conducted by the Australian Institute of Family Studies showed that increasing workforce participation among parents can reduce their reliance on income support payments, thereby easing the burden on social welfare systems. (Source: Australian Institute of Family Studies, 2015) b. A study conducted by the Institute for Women’s Policy Research in the United States found that increasing maternal employment rates lead to a decline in the use of public benefits, such as food stamps and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF). This indicates that supporting parents’ return to the workforce can contribute to lower public expenditure on social welfare programs. (Source: Institute for Women’s Policy Research, 202

By supporting parents’ return to the workforce after having a child, we can promote financial stability, improve mental well-being, and reduce reliance on social welfare systems. These benefits not only positively impact individuals and families but also contribute to the overall economic development and well-being of societies.


Rediscovering Rest: How Lotus Psychology Practice Utilizes Evidence-Based CBT for Insomnia

Quality sleep is essential for overall well-being, but for individuals battling insomnia, restful nights can seem elusive. Recognizing the profound impact of insomnia on mental and physical health, Lotus Psychology Practice employs evidence-based approaches, specifically Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I), to help individuals reclaim their sleep. In this blog, we will delve into the nature of insomnia, evidence-based treatments, and the comprehensive treatment format offered by Lotus Psychology Practice, including short-term individual treatment and group settings.

Understanding Insomnia

Insomnia is a common sleep disorder characterized by difficulties in initiating or maintaining sleep, along with complaints of poor sleep quality and impaired daytime functioning. It affects approximately 10-15% of adults worldwide (Ohayon, 2002). Insomnia can be caused by a range of factors, including stress, anxiety, lifestyle habits, medical conditions, and medications.

Evidence-Based Approaches for Insomnia: CBT-I

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I) has emerged as the gold standard treatment for addressing chronic insomnia. CBT-I is a short-term, structured therapy that aims to identify and modify maladaptive thoughts, behaviors, and environmental factors that perpetuate sleep difficulties (Morin et al., 2006). It is rooted in the understanding that psychological factors play a significant role in perpetuating insomnia.

Key components of CBT-I include:

  1. Sleep Education: Educating individuals about sleep hygiene, sleep physiology, and the factors that influence sleep quality helps to dispel misconceptions and establish realistic expectations.

  2. Stimulus Control: This technique involves restructuring the association between the bed and sleep. It includes recommendations such as using the bed solely for sleep and intimacy, and avoiding activities that are incompatible with sleep.

  3. Sleep Restriction: This method involves reducing the time spent in bed to match the individual’s actual sleep time. By gradually increasing sleep efficiency, sleep restriction aims to strengthen the association between the bed and sleep.

  4. Relaxation Techniques: Incorporating relaxation exercises, such as progressive muscle relaxation or mindfulness meditation, helps individuals reduce arousal, anxiety, and tension that can interfere with sleep.

  5. Cognitive Restructuring: This component focuses on identifying and challenging negative thoughts and beliefs about sleep, replacing them with more adaptive and accurate thoughts.

  6. Sleep Schedule Regularization: Establishing a consistent sleep-wake schedule helps regulate the body’s internal clock, promoting a consistent sleep routine.

Treatment Format at Lotus Psychology Practice

Lotus Psychology Practice offers a comprehensive approach to CBT-I, tailoring treatment to the specific needs and preferences of each individual. We provide both short-term individual treatment and group settings, ensuring that clients receive the most effective support.

Short-Term Individual Treatment: In individual therapy, clients work closely with a trained therapist who assesses their sleep patterns, identifies underlying factors contributing to insomnia, and develops a personalized treatment plan. Regular sessions allow for ongoing support, feedback, and modification of strategies based on individual progress.

Group Settings: Lotus Psychology Practice offers group CBT-I programs, allowing clients to connect with others facing similar sleep challenges. Group sessions include psychoeducation, skill-building exercises, and opportunities for sharing experiences and providing mutual support. Group CBT-I programs provide cost-effective treatment options and foster a sense of community among participants.

Benefits of CBT-I at Lotus Psychology Practice

CBT-I treatment at Lotus Psychology Practice offers several benefits for individuals struggling with insomnia:

Evidence-Based Effectiveness: CBT-I is supported by extensive research and has demonstrated significant improvements in sleep quality and daytime functioning (Trauer et al., 2015).

Tailored Treatment: Both individual and group formats allow for personalized treatment plans, ensuring that interventions address the unique needs of each client.

Skill Development: CBT-I equips individuals with practical strategies that can be applied beyond the treatment period, empowering them to maintain healthy sleep habits in the long run.

Holistic Well-being: By targeting insomnia, CBT-I positively impacts mental and physical health, improving mood, cognition, and overall quality of life.

Insomnia can have a detrimental impact on various aspects of life, from daily functioning to overall well-being. However, with evidence-based approaches like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I), individuals can effectively address and overcome their sleep difficulties. At Lotus Psychology Practice, CBT-I is provided through both short-term individual treatment and group settings, ensuring that clients receive personalized support. By targeting the root causes of insomnia and equipping individuals with effective strategies, Lotus Psychology Practice enables clients to reclaim their sleep and experience the restorative benefits of a good night’s rest.


Morin, C. M., Bootzin, R. R., Buysse, D. J., Edinger, J. D., Espie, C. A., & Lichstein, K. L. (2006). Psychological and behavioral treatment of insomnia: Update of the recent evidence (1998–2004). Sleep, 29(11), 1398-1414.

Ohayon, M. M. (2002). Epidemiology of insomnia: What we know and what we still need to learn. Sleep medicine reviews, 6(2), 97-111.

Trauer, J. M., Qian, M. Y., Doyle, J. S., Rajaratnam, S. M., & Cunnington, D. (2015). Cognitive behavioral therapy for chronic insomnia: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Annals of internal medicine, 163(3), 191-204.



How Cogmed Enhances Working Memory

Unlocking Potential:

How Cogmed Enhances Working Memory for Improved Performance in School, Work, and Daily Life at Lotus Psychology Practice

Working memory plays a critical role in our ability to process and retain information, make decisions, and accomplish tasks efficiently. For individuals facing challenges related to ADHD, learning difficulties, dyslexia, traumatic brain injuries (TBI), and post-cancer treatments, working memory deficits can significantly impact their academic, professional, and daily lives. Lotus Psychology Practice recognizes the importance of working memory and utilizes Cogmed, a cognitive training program, to help individuals improve their working memory capacity and unleash their full potential. In this blog, we will explore working memory, the benefits of enhancing it, and how Cogmed contributes to positive outcomes for children and adults facing cognitive challenges.

Understanding Working Memory

Working memory refers to the cognitive system responsible for temporarily holding and manipulating information during complex tasks. It enables us to process information, retain relevant details, and use them to make decisions or solve problems. Working memory plays a crucial role in various cognitive processes such as attention control, cognitive flexibility, and learning new information.


Challenges Stemming from Working Memory Deficits

Individuals with working memory deficits often experience difficulties in various areas of their lives. In academic settings, they may struggle to concentrate, follow instructions, organize their thoughts, and complete assignments. In the workplace, reduced working memory capacity can impact productivity, task management, and decision-making abilities. Additionally, daily activities that require remembering instructions, multitasking, and problem-solving can pose challenges for individuals with working memory deficits.

The Benefits of Improving Working Memory

Enhancing working memory capacity can have transformative effects on individuals’ lives, enabling them to overcome cognitive challenges and reach their full potential:

  1. Academic Success: Improved working memory capacity aids in information retention, comprehension, and problem-solving, leading to better academic performance. Students with enhanced working memory are better equipped to follow lectures, complete assignments, and demonstrate their knowledge effectively.
  2. Professional Advancement: In the workplace, strong working memory skills contribute to improved task management, decision-making, and problem-solving abilities. Enhanced working memory capacity allows individuals to handle complex projects, stay organized, and meet deadlines more efficiently.
  3. Daily Functioning: Improved working memory facilitates better attention control, cognitive flexibility, and mental agility, making daily tasks more manageable. Individuals can follow instructions, juggle multiple tasks, remember details, and adapt to new situations with greater ease.
office display

Cogmed: Empowering Cognitive Transformation

Lotus Psychology Practice employs Cogmed, a scientifically validated cognitive training program, to enhance working memory capacity and support individuals in overcoming cognitive challenges. Cogmed utilizes adaptive training exercises designed to challenge and gradually expand an individual’s working memory abilities.

During Cogmed training, participants engage in computer-based tasks that target various aspects of working memory. The program adjusts the difficulty level in real-time to ensure optimal challenge and improvement. Cogmed training is intensive and typically lasts for several weeks, with regular monitoring and support from trained professionals at Lotus Psychology Practice.

While there are thousands of therapists out there, I don’t think any have her care or are so dedicated to helping others create a life worth living. Therapy sessions are comforting and she is so easy to talk to – it feels like confiding in a friend. In the past few years of working together, Dr. Rimler has helped me in ways I never thought possible and anyone would be lucky to work with her.

Benefits of Cogmed Training

Cogmed training has been proven effective in numerous research studies and has demonstrated positive outcomes for individuals with working memory deficits. The benefits of Cogmed include:

  1. Improved Working Memory Capacity: Cogmed enhances working memory abilities, allowing individuals to process and retain information more effectively.
  2. Enhanced Attention and Concentration: By training working memory, Cogmed indirectly improves attention control and concentration, supporting better focus and sustained attention.
  3. Academic and Professional Success: With increased working memory capacity, individuals experience improved academic and professional performance, as they can better manage complex tasks, follow instructions, and solve problems efficiently.
  4. Transferable Skills: The cognitive gains achieved through Cogmed training can extend beyond working memory, benefiting other cognitive processes such as attention, reasoning, and problem-solving.

Working memory is a crucial cognitive function that influences various aspects of our lives, including academic success, professional performance, and daily functioning. For individuals facing challenges associated with ADHD, learning difficulties, dyslexia, TBI’s, and post-cancer treatments, working memory deficits can hinder their progress and well-being.

Lotus Psychology Practice recognizes the transformative power of working memory improvement and utilizes Cogmed, a cognitive training program, to empower individuals to enhance their working memory capacity. By targeting working memory deficits, Cogmed helps individuals overcome cognitive challenges and unlock their full potential, leading to improved academic success, professional advancement, and enhanced daily functioning. Through the dedicated support of professionals at Lotus Psychology Practice, individuals embark on a journey of cognitive transformation, fostering lasting positive change in their lives.

*Please note that if you are in crisis right now, please call 988 or go to your nearest emergency room.

*Lotus Psychology Practice can see patients remotely throughout New York State and has an office space for in person treatment in Melville, NY.


Mental Health Annuals

Lotus Psychology Practice’s Groundbreaking Annual Mental Health Check-Up Program

In today’s fast-paced and stress-inducing world, mental health has become an increasingly important aspect of overall well-being. Just as we prioritize annual physical check-ups for both children and adults to maintain good physical health, it is equally crucial to pay attention to our mental well-being. Recognizing the need for proactive mental health care, Lotus Psychology Practice is proud to announce its groundbreaking Annual Mental Health Check-Up Program. This program aims to make mental health assessments a standard of care for all, focusing on early interventions and preventive measures to foster emotional resilience and well-being.

The Importance of Annual Mental Health Check-Ups: Much like regular physical check-ups, annual mental health assessments are an essential part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Mental health is intricately linked to our overall well-being and impacts our ability to cope with challenges, maintain relationships, and achieve our full potential. By offering routine mental health evaluations, Lotus Psychology Practice aims to create a culture of proactive care, ensuring that you can address any emerging concerns before they escalate into serious issues. We also hope that having annual check-ups will provide you with a sense of comfort and familiarity with our therapists should a future need for treatment arise.

Who May Need to Be Seen More Urgently? If you are noticing any of the following changes, please reach out to us more urgently: change in eating and/or sleeping pattern, isolation from people you typically spend time with, irritability, fast-paced or intrusive thoughts that can’t seem to quiet, or a general feeling of uneasiness.

Breaking the Stigma Surrounding Mental Health: One of the primary goals of the Annual Mental Health Check-Up Program is to break the stigma associated with seeking mental health support. Unfortunately, many people hesitate to seek help, viewing it as a sign of weakness. By normalizing regular mental health check-ups, Lotus Psychology Practice aims to create a safe and accepting environment where you feel comfortable discussing their emotional well-being openly.

Shifting from Intervention to Prevention: In the realm of healthcare, prevention is always better than seeking intervention when one is in a state of crisis. Yet, when it comes to mental health, we often find ourselves focusing more on interventions once problems have escalated. Lotus Psychology Practice firmly believes that prevention is the key to building mentally resilient communities. By identifying potential risk factors and stressors early on, our professionals can offer personalized guidance and support, empowering you to adopt coping strategies and resilience-building techniques.

Comprehensive and Holistic Assessments: The Annual Mental Health Check-Up Program offered by Lotus Psychology Practice takes a comprehensive and holistic approach to mental health evaluations. Our team of licensed psychologists and mental health experts will conduct thorough assessments, considering your emotional, psychological, and social well-being. By looking at the bigger picture, we can better understand your unique challenges and strengths, allowing us to tailor personalized care plans.

Empowering Individuals with Self-Care Tools: Another significant aspect of the program is to empower you with self-care tools that you can integrate into your daily lives. Alongside the assessment, our experts will offer guidance on stress management techniques, mindfulness exercises, and healthy coping strategies. By providing you with practical tools to navigate life’s challenges, we aim to promote emotional resilience and long-term well-being.

office display

While there are thousands of therapists out there, I don’t think any have her care or are so dedicated to helping others create a life worth living. Therapy sessions are comforting and she is so easy to talk to – it feels like confiding in a friend. In the past few years of working together, Dr. Rimler has helped me in ways I never thought possible and anyone would be lucky to work with her.

Lotus Psychology Practice’s Annual Mental Health Check-Up Program represents a groundbreaking step towards prioritizing mental health in our communities. By adopting the standard of care for mental health assessments, we can identify potential issues early, offer preventive support, and ultimately break down the barriers that typically prevent individuals from seeking help. Through a holistic approach and personalized care, we envision a future where mental well-being is treated with the same importance as physical health, fostering healthier, happier, and more resilient individuals and communities.

Seeking support is a brave step towards a fulfilling and balanced life. Embrace the opportunity to invest in yourself and your well-being with our Annual Mental Health Check-Up Program at Lotus Psychology Practice. Together, we can build a brighter and more mentally resilient tomorrow.

*Please note that if you are in crisis right now, please call 988 or go to your nearest emergency room.

*Lotus Psychology Practice can see patients remotely throughout New York State and has an office space for in person treatment in Melville, NY.


Executive Functioning in the Workplace

Executive functioning refers to a set of cognitive processes that are essential for the organization, planning, and regulation of behavior and thought. These functions enable individuals to set goals, make decisions, initiate tasks, and execute them successfully. Executive functioning plays a crucial role in managing complex tasks, problem-solving, and adapting to new or challenging situations.

The core components of executive functioning include:

The ability to hold and manipulate information temporarily in the mind while performing mental tasks. It allows individuals to remember and use relevant information to complete a task or achieve a goal.

This involves the ability to suppress inappropriate or distracting thoughts, behaviors, or impulses, allowing an individual to stay focused on a particular task or goal.

Cognitive flexibility refers to the capacity to switch between different tasks, perspectives, or strategies as needed. It allows individuals to adapt to changing situations and think creatively.

This involves the ability to create a systematic approach to achieve a goal, breaking it down into manageable steps and arranging them in a logical order.

The skill to estimate the time required for tasks, allocate time appropriately, and use time efficiently to meet deadlines and complete activities.

The capacity to analyze a situation, identify challenges, and develop effective strategies to overcome obstacles and reach a solution.

The ability to begin a task or activity without undue procrastination and sustain effort to completion, even when faced with difficulties.

Executive functioning also plays a role in managing emotions and impulses. It helps individuals control emotional reactions and maintain appropriate emotional responses in various situations.

Executive functioning skills develop gradually over time, with significant growth during childhood and adolescence. These skills rely on the prefrontal cortex, a region of the brain responsible for higher-order cognitive functions. While some people may naturally possess stronger executive functioning abilities, these skills can also be cultivated and improved through practice, appropriate interventions, and lifestyle changes.

Difficulties with executive functioning are commonly associated with various neurodevelopmental and neurological conditions, such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism spectrum disorder (ASD), traumatic brain injuries, and certain psychiatric disorders. Challenges with executive functioning can impact daily functioning, academic performance, and overall life outcomes. In such cases, targeted interventions and support can be beneficial in helping individuals enhance their executive functioning abilities and improve their overall quality of life.

While there are thousands of therapists out there, I don’t think any have her care or are so dedicated to helping others create a life worth living. Therapy sessions are comforting and she is so easy to talk to – it feels like confiding in a friend. In the past few years of working together, Dr. Rimler has helped me in ways I never thought possible and anyone would be lucky to work with her.

Executive function challenges can significantly impact adults in the workplace, affecting various aspects of their professional performance and overall productivity. Here are some common ways executive function challenges can manifest in the workplace:

  1. Time management difficulties: Adults with executive function challenges may struggle with prioritizing tasks, estimating time required for projects, and meeting deadlines. This can lead to delays, missed opportunities, and increased stress levels.
  2. Organization and planning issues: Challenges in organizing thoughts, materials, and information can hinder productivity. Adults may struggle to develop effective strategies, create action plans, and maintain an organized workspace.
  3. Problem-solving and decision-making difficulties: Executive function challenges can affect the ability to analyze complex situations, make decisions efficiently, and solve problems effectively. This may result in poor judgment, difficulty adapting to changing circumstances, and decreased innovation.
  4. Impulsivity and distractibility: Individuals with executive function challenges may experience difficulty staying focused, resisting distractions, and controlling impulsive behaviors. This can lead to decreased attention to detail, reduced accuracy, and decreased productivity.

To help reduce these challenges, various interventions and strategies can be implemented:

  1. Task and time management techniques: Breaking tasks into smaller, manageable steps, using visual or digital calendars, setting reminders and alarms, and utilizing task management tools can assist individuals in better organizing their work and managing time effectively.
  2. External supports: Providing external supports such as written instructions, checklists, visual aids, and organizational tools (e.g., folders, labels) can help individuals maintain an organized workspace, prioritize tasks, and stay on track.
  3. Cognitive-behavioral strategies: Strategies such as self-monitoring, self-reflection, and goal setting can help individuals become more aware of their executive function challenges and develop strategies to address them. This may involve techniques like using cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) principles to identify and challenge unhelpful thinking patterns.
  4. Accommodations and workplace adjustments: Employers can provide accommodations such as flexible work schedules, noise-reducing headphones, or quiet workspaces to help individuals manage distractions and optimize their performance. Additionally, clear communication of expectations, regular feedback, and structured routines can be beneficial.
  5. Skill-building and training: Executive function skills can be strengthened through targeted interventions, such as cognitive training programs or executive function coaching. These interventions focus on improving specific executive functions like working memory, planning, and decision-making. Cogmed is an example of a program we use at Lotus Psychology Practice.
  6. Assistive technology: Various technological tools and applications, such as digital organizers, reminder apps, productivity apps, and project management software, can provide additional support for individuals with executive function challenges.

At Lotus Psychology Practice we believe that interventions should be personalized to an individual's specific needs and strengths, and it may be beneficial to work with professionals like psychologists, therapists or executive function coaches to develop a comprehensive plan. If you are finding that your executive functioning is getting in the way of your work or is impacting someone in your workplace, please do not hesitate to reach out to us for assistance.


Empowering Families for Success

Empowering Families for Success: The Surprising Benefits of Parent Training as a Primary Treatment Approach

When children and adolescents struggle with behavioral challenges, our first instinct is to send them in for treatment whether it be medication or psychotherapy. We all know to well that our children are busier than ever. They have tutors, clubs and friends to see after school and it is often difficult to prioritize treatment, especially when you have a child who is not interested in meeting with a therapist. At Lotus Psychology Practice, we would like you to consider another evidence-based treatment that can significantly impact your entire family. Parent training in therapy offers several benefits compared to solely focusing on treating the child. It recognizes the crucial role parents play in their child’s development and mental health, empowering them with effective strategies to support their child’s emotional well-being. Here are some key benefits of parent training:

  • Systemic Approach: Parent training takes a systemic approach by considering the entire family system and the interactions between family members. It recognizes that changes in parenting behaviors can have a positive impact on the child’s emotional and behavioral functioning, as well as overall family dynamics.
  • Generalization of Skills: When parents learn specific strategies and techniques through training, they can apply these skills in various contexts and situations, not just during therapy sessions. This generalization allows for more consistent and continuous support for the child.
  • Long-Term Impact: By equipping parents with the knowledge and tools to understand and address their child’s emotional difficulties, parent training promotes long-term positive outcomes. It enables parents to support their child’s emotional well-being beyond the duration of therapy, fostering resilience and self-regulation skills.
  • Improved Parent-Child Relationship: Parent training can enhance the parent-child relationship by improving communication, empathy, and understanding. When parents acquire effective parenting techniques, they can respond to their child’s emotional needs in a supportive and sensitive manner, promoting a secure attachment and a positive emotional bond.
  • Reducing Parental Stress: Parenting a child with emotional difficulties can be challenging and overwhelming. Parent training provides parents with a supportive environment to share their experiences, receive guidance, and develop strategies to manage stress. As parents gain confidence and see positive changes in their child’s behavior, their own stress levels often decrease.

Now, let’s briefly discuss some evidenced-based parent training programs we utilize at Lotus Psychology Practice:

  • Supportive Parenting for Anxious Childhood Emotions (SPACE): Developed by Eli Lebowitz, SPACE focuses on providing parents with tools to support their child with anxiety disorders. It helps parents learn strategies to respond empathetically, encourage gradual exposure to anxiety-provoking situations, and promote problem-solving skills. The program also aims to reduce parental accommodation of the child’s anxiety, which can inadvertently reinforce anxious behavior.
  • Incredible Years (IY), Created by Carolyn Webster-Stratton: These are two well-known parent training programs that target children’s behavioral difficulties. IY incorporates various strategies to enhance parenting skills and manage challenging behaviors. The program focus on positive reinforcement, effective communication, setting boundaries, and consistent discipline techniques.
  • Parent Management Training (PMT) Parent Management Training (PMT) is an evidence-based approach to behavior therapy that was developed by Alan E. Kazdin, a renowned psychologist and researcher. PMT is designed to help parents learn effective strategies to manage their children’s behavior and promote positive changes in their family dynamics. This approach has been widely studied and found to be effective in treating a variety of behavioral and emotional issues in children. 

It’s important to note that these programs have been extensively researched and have shown positive outcomes in numerous studies. However, the selection of a specific program should be based on the child’s needs, the family’s circumstances, and the expertise of the therapist.

While there are thousands of therapists out there, I don’t think any have her care or are so dedicated to helping others create a life worth living. Therapy sessions are comforting and she is so easy to talk to – it feels like confiding in a friend. In the past few years of working together, Dr. Rimler has helped me in ways I never thought possible and anyone would be lucky to work with her.


Lotus Psychology Practice: Embracing Technology and Unique Programs for Transformational Therapy

In the ever-evolving world of psychology, innovative technologies and unique programs are revolutionizing therapeutic approaches. One such practice, Lotus Psychology Practice, sets itself apart by embracing cutting-edge technology and utilizing a range of transformative programs. This blog explores how Lotus Psychology Practice incorporates virtual reality, Forbrain, Soundsory, Brain Beat, Mightier, GoZen, and The Listening Program to help patients overcome challenges and achieve personal growth.

Virtual Reality: Transforming Stress Management and Exposure Therapy

Lotus Psychology Practice harnesses the power of virtual reality (VR) to facilitate stress management and exposure therapy. By creating immersive environments, VR enables individuals to experience and confront their fears in a controlled and safe setting. For those with phobias or anxiety disorders, this technology allows gradual exposure to trigger stimuli, fostering desensitization and emotional resilience.

Virtual reality simulations at Lotus Psychology Practice can simulate scenarios such as flying, heights, public speaking, and more. By gradually exposing patients to their feared situations, VR empowers them to develop coping strategies and overcome their fears. This technology has proven particularly effective in treating phobias, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and anxiety disorders.

Forbrain, Soundsory, and The Listening Program: Unleashing the Power of Sound

Lotus Psychology Practice integrates a range of sound-based programs to enhance therapy outcomes and support patient progress.

  • Forbrain: By leveraging bone conduction technology, Forbrain enhances speech and language skills, improves attention, and aids in the treatment of speech difficulties such as stuttering or dyslexia.
  • Soundsory: This multisensory learning program combines music and movement to enhance cognitive skills, sensory integration, and language development. Soundsory is particularly beneficial for children with learning difficulties, sensory processing disorders, and autism spectrum disorders.
  • Brain Beat: Utilizing rhythm and beat, Brain Beat engages and stimulates the brain, enhancing focus, attention, and memory. This auditory stimulation program has applications in education, mental wellness, and cognitive rehabilitation.
  • The Listening Program: This evidence-based music listening therapy targets the auditory system to improve listening skills, communication, and sensory processing. The Listening Program enhances auditory discrimination, attention, and sound localization, benefiting individuals with auditory processing disorders and speech and language difficulties.

Finding Fun Ways to Engage Children

  • Mightier: By gamifying emotional regulation, Mightier helps children develop emotional resilience and self-regulation skills. This program uses biofeedback technology to teach children how to manage stress and anxiety effectively.
  • GoZen: This program offers online anxiety relief programs designed specifically for children. Through engaging videos, animations, and activities, GoZen equips children with coping strategies and emotional resilience skills.

At Lotus Psychology Practice, these programs are integrated into personalized therapy plans, enabling therapists to tailor treatment to individual needs and enhance therapeutic outcomes.

Lotus Psychology Practice stands out as a leader in the field of psychology by incorporating technology and unique programs to offer transformative therapy experiences. Through the use of virtual reality, patients can confront their fears and manage stress in a controlled environment. Additionally, the integration of sound-based programs like Forbrain, Soundsory, Brain Beat, Mightier, GoZen, and The Listening Program enhances therapy outcomes, improving speech and language skills, enhancing cognitive abilities, and fostering emotional resilience.

By embracing these innovative tools, Lotus Psychology Practice demonstrates its commitment to utilizing technology and tailored programs to empower patients on their journey towards personal growth, well-being, and lasting positive change.